Integrated Digital Closed-Loop
Agriculture Enabler

Agridesa empowers smallholder farmers through data-driven farming and integrated digital solutions, and acts as the trusted partner of choice for off-takers to source from an organized, tech-enabled smallholder farmer ecosystem.

Let’s make a big impact on the agricultural sector

Established since 2022, Agridesa presents to provide agronomic services from upstream to downstream based on technology, by providing convenience for Indonesian farmers.

Agridesa’s leadership team align their best idea between technology and product development in agricultural sector. Departing from the same mission with the aim of providing optimal solutions to establish a comprehensive and digital-based agricultural ecosystem.


  • Integrated Ecosystem

    Integrated Ecosystem

    Agridesa provides an integrated agronomy management toolkit to otherwise disorganized smallholder farmers. Our goal is to give the farmers better visibility and more actionable information on their cultivation process.

  • Access To Guaranteed Offtake

    Access To Guaranteed Offtake

    Agridesa provides offtake certainty to farmers by linking them to committed B2B offtaker partners. We operate on a basis of full transparency, aiming to build long-term relationship with our farmer communities and offtakers.

  • Financial Access Enabler

    Financial Access Enabler

    Agridesa unlocks access to working capital for smallholder farmers through partnerships with Financial Institutions. Traditionally often considered 'unbankable', our partnership with the farming communities build trust between them and the banks.

  • On-Ground Agronomy Services

    On-Ground Agronomy Services

    Agridesa delivers agronomy expertise through its (assisted) digital platform & on-the-ground partnerships with local instructors.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    Sustainable Agriculture

    Aware of widespread environmentally unsustainable agricultural practices, Agridesa supports farmer communities to shift to a more organic and sustainable way of farming, benefiting the farmers, the consumers, and the environment while providing traceability solutions for certification and issuance of environmental securities.

  • Data-Driven Monitoring

    Data-Driven Monitoring

    Agridesa's approach that uses digital technologies to track real-time data (i.e mobile app, IoT, open API, AI) will enable farmers to make better decisions and help reduce the risk of crop failures.


What Our Partners Say

  • "Agridesa sangat membantu petani, terutama dalam penyerapan hasil tani kami. Harga jual dari hasil panen kami benar-benar di jaga diatas modal dasar kami. Terima kasih Agridesa, sukses selalu. Majulah petani Indonesia!"

    Yuffron Kharis (Ketua Kelompok Tani, Magelang, Central Java)

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Interested in collaborating with Agridesa?

We are rapidly growing our operations across Indonesia and are constantly looking for new smallholder farmer communities that we can work with.
Would you like to know more? Please get in touch!

Let’s continue to strive for a better agricultural ecosystem through collaboration and help provide long-term solutions for Indonesian farmers’ welfare.


We are hiring!

We’re looking for like-minded individuals with great passion & skillset required that can help contribute to making improvements in Indonesia’s agricultural sector.